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Kaiping City conducts forest fire emergency rescue drills
  • Update:2022-04-20 19:24

On the morning of April 19, the Jiangmen Emergency Management Bureau conducted a city-wide comprehensive "double-blind" emergency drill to further improve the emergency response speed of cities (districts) in Jiangmen, the decision-making ability of on-site commanders, and the efficiency of emergency rescue teams and material and equipment allocation. Kaiping City cooperated with the drill requirements to carry out forest fire emergency rescue drills.


This drill does not pre-arrange drill scripts, assemble teams, or synthesize drills in advance. The drills were carried out in the form of desktop demonstrations and field drills. The local command center and on-site headquarters reported the situation of organization and command and on-site disposal to the Jiangmen General Headquarters, and carried out emergency response in the form of answering inquiries.


The content of the drill in Kaiping City was to simulate a forest fire in Cowboy Lan Mountain, Sijiu Village, Tangkou Town, during the process of patrolling the mountains by the forest rangers in Tangkou Town. Tangkou Town quickly launched a forest fire emergency response plan, established an on-site headquarters, and organized emergency rescue teams at the town and village levels to carry out initial firefighting. However, due to the strong wind on the site, the vegetation on the hilltop was dominated by flammable substances such as shrubs and weeds, which led to the rapid spread of the fire. Tangkou Town immediately requested support from the Kaiping Municipal Emergency Command Center. After receiving the report, the Municipal Emergency Command Center reported the fire situation to the Jiangmen Forest Fire Fighting Headquarters, and organized member units of the Municipal Forest Fire Fighting Headquarters to conduct consultations and judgments. Arrange forest firefighting experts and mobilize Jiangmen West Forest Fire Brigade, Kaiping City Fire Rescue Brigade and Chikan Emergency Rescue Team to provide support, and request reinforcements from the forest fire brigade in the central urban area of Jiangmen.


The on-site commander set up 9 groups including the fire fighting command group, the expert group, the comprehensive coordination group, the medical rescue group, the material support group, the communication support group, the fire fighting group, and the fire cleaning and guarding group according to the "one set of mechanisms" of the emergency plan. Research and judge the fire situation, formulate a rescue plan, and carry out orderly forest fire fighting. After the division of labor and cooperation of various rescue teams, all the open fires at the scene were put out, and no casualties were reported. Kaiping Emergency Command Center released fire information through the media in a timely manner to achieve three synchronizations of legal processing, public opinion guidance, and social control, and reported the response to forest fires to Jiangmen Emergency Command Center.  



After the drill, the Jiangmen Emergency Management Bureau commented and summarized the drill, and believed that the drill achieved the expected effect. The drill in Kaiping City could reasonably divide the fire-fighting area, and the transmission of images and sounds was relatively smooth.

Through this "double-blind" emergency drill, we will further improve the efficiency of Kaiping City's emergency response to emergencies, strengthen the coordination and combat capabilities of emergency rescue teams at all levels, test the scientificity, practicability and reliability of the relevant emergency plans, and serve the people Provide protection for the safety of people's lives and property.