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How does the National Law on the Standard Language and Script regulate the use of foreign language and script?
  • Update:2007-04-19 15:50

The general guidelines for the use of foreign language is that: promoting the use of national standard language does not exclude the use of foreign language, however, the legal status of the national standard language should be stressed, and the national and sovereignty awareness in language use should be embodied in the process of foreign language use. Currently the mixed use of Chinese and foreign language is very conspicuous, if this development is not checked and get rampant, it will inevitably affect the digesting and assimilating capacity of the Chinese language to foreign subjects, which in turn affect the heritage and development of the Chinese language and weaken its vitality to adapt to social change, therefore it is necessary to enhance the management and control of this mixed use. For this purpose, according to Article 1, Section 15 of the“Regulations for Implementation”: in case that foreign language use is needed in Chinese publications, official documents in governmental institutions, notes made in the national standard language are necessary.”In addition, there are still the sole use of foreign language in some poster, notice, and sign post in public occasions of the city, this is not helpful to stress the national and sovereignty awareness in language use, nor helpful to its recognition, therefore, Article 2, Section 15 of the“Regulations for Implementation”states that: public service industry take standard Chinese characters as its basic service characters. Posters, notices, and sign posts should have standard Chinese notes in case of foreign language use.”These practices have established certain practical foundation, and have gained wide social recognition.